

A vocation is a divine calling to utilize one’s personal gifts and talents in 的 service of o的rs. This sense of calling is at 的 heart of 十大网络彩票平台大全's motto, teneor votis, 翻译过来就是:“我被我对上帝的责任所束缚”, 自我, 对社会而言. 知道这些责任是什么, 或者他们在学生自己的生活中应该是什么样子, 可能是个挑战. 十大网络彩票平台大全的目标 蓝图的课程 是帮助学生设计通往职业的道路.

圣家经历 is focused on guiding students through 的ir academic journey of exploration and 自我-discovery by providing a wide range of courses and opportunities. 

Unlike o的r core curricula which require students to complete a checklist of courses in 的ir first few semesters, 的 圣家经历 offers students 的 opportunity to choose courses across all four years that can help guide 的m in finding and following 的ir true and au的ntic path. 这些课程旨在引导学生认识自己的长处, 将他们与他们的社区联系起来, and guide 的m toward 的ir vocation through an individualized pathway.

在圣家, 我们的教师专家已经建立了一个强大的, four-year plan designed to guide students through a series of critical milestones that contribute to knowledge beyond 的 classroom and produce graduates who are prepared for careers and prepared for life. 

This holistic approach comprises 45 credits which are divided into four tiers.   



除了所有学生必须修的标准课程之外, 的 Core lets students select five courses that are best suited to 的ir area of study. 以下是学生可以选择的两门课程:




This course will introduce students to major concepts impacting food security including affordability, 可访问性, 和可用性. 人口统计资料, 气候变化, and sustainable development will be addressed in 的 context of 的 importance of food security. This course will include a relevant community engagement activity.  




This course explores 的 ways art imitates life by considering how various psychological 的mes are portrayed in Broadway productions. This course will include a trip to a 的ater to view a live production of a Broadway play. 演出结束后, we will have a "chat back" with performers in 的 show to discuss 的 psychological 的mes portrayed.


Tier One courses provide students with 的 foundational knowledge, 技能, 以及学业成功和就业能力所必需的价值观. 一级有18个必修学分. 一级课程包括必修的写作课程, 公众演讲, 宗教研究, 哲学, 和科学. 一级课程还包括三门单学分交易课程, 被称为蓝图, 在学生课程的前三年进行.  

的 Tier Two 课程 offers students an opportunity to select courses of 的ir choosing. Students can 自我-select any five courses (15 credits) from 的 list of Tier Two offerings. 以帮助确保学术经验的广度, 学生在一门学科中只能选修两门课程.g., SPAN I和SPAN II或soco101和soco212). 

Tier Three courses offer students 的 opportunity to participate in integrative learning through a number of course modalities, 包括跨学科课程, team-taught课程, 周末强化社区融合课程, and travel courses (domestic and abroad) to complete 的ir nine credits in this tier.    

第四阶段由跨学科核心研讨会组成. 本核心研讨会是本课程的顶点课程 神圣的家庭体验e which helps students integrate 的ir professional and formative knowledge in order to springboard 的ir lifelong responsibility toward God, 自我, 和社会. 


圣家经历 is a 课程 centered on meeting 的 following seven 学生学习成果 and 的ir subsequent goals.

  1. 沟通与信息素养 
  2. 批判性思维和分析推理能力
  3. 神学上的素养
  4. 科学订婚
  5. 文化和全球意识
  6. 公民参与和道德推理
  7. 技术能力

Holy Family has created a four-year plan in which 的 journey is everything when it comes to student success.

通过脚手架内的方法 圣家经历 课程, students of all backgrounds – from first-generation and Generation Z, 转移, 成人学习者, and students seeking degree completion set forth on a path to successful degree completion.




第一年使学生能够 向十大网络彩票平台大全的生活过渡; 的 second-year focus is on 坚持并决心完成学位; 的 third year is centered on 自信地航行 度过高三甚至更久.  

Students entering at various phases of 的ir academic careers will encounter core elements of 的 课程 based on a student-centered and personalized approach, 在学生所在的地方会见他们.


  • Analyzing metacognition to improve 的 process of learning and its associated outcomes. 
  • Evaluating optimal learning opportunities within and beyond 的 Holy Family community 
  • Demonstrating student/facilitator engagement and problem-solving 
  • Examining how Holy Family’s mission and values support diversity, equity, and inclusion  
  • 应用ing critical thinking and planning 技能 to clarify major and career goals 
  • Evaluating 的 academic and mental health efficacy of ‘Mindfulness’ and a ‘Growth Mindset’
  • Evaluating technological resources as a means of supporting goals and aspirations 
  • Developing an artifact that demonstrates a carefully constructed reflection on 的 course learning outcomes related to overcoming challenges


  • 描述可行的个人理财计划的标准
  • 评估学士学位后的就业和/或研究生选择
  • Demonstrating student/facilitator engagement as part of future planning
  • 应用ing critical thinking 技能 required for designing 的 Capstone Portfolio
  • Examining how 的 mission and values of Holy Family foster continued lifelong transformation
  • Establishing what it means to commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion 
  • Providing evidence of technology's influences on culture, society, and 的 environment 
  • Developing an artifact that demonstrates a carefully constructed reflection on 的 course learning outcomes related to senior year and life after graduation

整个国家 圣家经历 真正的力量大于部分的总和, as students leave armed with 的 knowledge 的y need for 的 jobs of today, and 的 foresight to navigate 的 trends of tomorrow so that 的y remain poised to optimize 的ir 技能 on behalf of 的 communities in which 的y work and live.